"When we saw the posts on Twitter that the hotel was destroyed, we went crazy. We bought plane tickets to Antep, but the flights were canceled. TRNC arranged a special flight for families and the search and rescue team. We arrived in Adıyaman in the evening. We were able to reach Adıyaman at the first moment. There was no work. but this is how he tells what he could not reach. Adıyaman ISIAS Hotel was destroyed in the Kahramanmaraş-centered 7.6 earthquake that occurred on February 6th. The hotel became a graveyard for 30 tour guides, 35 of whom were Cypriot students, parents and teachers. The preliminary investigation report prepared for the hotel reveals that stream gravel and sand were used in the construction of the hotel. Earthquake is also the main agenda of Northern Cyprus. Cypriots are also in mourning." There were parents who could not pay for the trip, we found a sponsor" Karakaya was able to reach the lifeless body of his daughter Selin on the fifth day of the earthquake. Selin Karakaya entered on January 29 at the age of 14: "My daughter has been playing chess since she was five years old. She has six chess championships. They destroyed a generation in this city. They were successful children in every field. I don't think someone will send their child to the organization in Turkey soon." Enver. Karakaya also explains that the four-star ISIAS Hotel was chosen by the parents because it gave the impression of a "good hotel", and money was collected because some parents in the group could not afford the travel expenses: "Business people in our city sponsored children who could not attend the trip. There were parents who could not pay at all. Looking at the photos, it was a very decent hotel. We sent our child to a hotel where we said, 'We can send it here'. They bought, stamped and decorated an uninhabitable building and built a hotel. Maybe there would be no way from Adıyaman, we sent our children to the grave." "Cyprus is in a mood of heavy mourning" Turkey Bar Associations Union (TBB) and the Cyprus Turkish Bar Association, 65 people lost their lives Speaking to DW Turkish, President of the Cyprus Turkish Bar Association Hasan Esendağlı said that the legal process has been started regarding the responsible persons, and that TBB President Erinç Sağkan is among the six-person lawyer team formed by the TBB. . The President of the Union of Turkish Cypriot Bar Associations said, "Cyprus is in a mood of heavy mourning. Famagusta is in a dark state, it is not clear when it will return to normal. Everyone is in a state of destruction. I can tell you that there is no one in the country who has not been directly affected by these losses." Ahmet Bozkurt, Mehmet Fatih and Efe Bozkurt were arrested and sent to Siverek Prison. The Bozkurt Family is known for its closeness to the AKP. Mehmet Fatih Bozkurt was elected as a member of the municipal council from the AKP in the 2014 local elections. "It has been determined that stream gravel and sand were used." Eastern Mediterranean University Civil Engineering Department also prepared a preliminary investigation report about ISIAS Hotel. According to the report, Public Prosecutor Kadir Kocakaya is leading the investigation of the building. In the report, it was also stated that the prosecutor appointed two experts from Kayseri and Erzurum to the Cypriot academics, and that all examinations and determinations were made by the experts, and that 6 concrete and reinforcement samples were taken. It was examined and it was determined that the concrete quality was obviously low, and stream gravel and sand were used as gravel and sand.When we look at the size of the stream pebbles, they are often larger than the maximum grain size in the concrete to be used in such structures, the granulometry in the distribution of gravel and sand in the concrete is not good, According to the information received from the Adıyaman Chamber of Civil Engineers, there are five buildings on the island where the hotel is located, and 4 of these buildings, including the ISIAS Hotel, were built more than thirty years ago with five floors. , originally residential It is stated that the buildings that used to be used as a business center were later turned into a business center, and the hotel building, which was used as a business center, was transformed into seven floors by adding two additional floors. It has been concluded that it is a serious mistake to build the building and it is possible to collapse the building even in lower earthquakes. A clearer conclusion will be reached if all the projects of the building and the official documents at the licensing stages are provided.” Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Deputy Doğuş Derya said, "The agendas of the two countries are intertwined. We feel as sorry for the thousands of people who died in Turkey due to the earthquake as we do for our children," he said. Stating that they have formed a legal commission in the Parliament to follow the litigation process, he said, "Of course, we will follow this case to hold our children accountable." "We have problems all over the world with the mentality that collapsed on earthquake taxes. We think that it is not enough to scapegoat only a few contractors and judge them as a show, as was the case after the Izmit earthquake. Our struggle with the rent scheme that creates demolished buildings like sand castles. The same order is being tried to be established in Cyprus." TUREB: We will be its followers. During the Association of Tourist Guides Chambers (TUREB) Southeastern Anatolia Practice Training Trip, 30 guides who stayed at the hotel lost their lives in the wreckage of the ISIAS Hotel. TUREB filed a criminal complaint against the hotel. Speaking to DW Turkish, TUREB Chairman of the Board Hakan Eğinlioğlu stated that they will follow the legal process and said, "The families also demand that those responsible be punished. We are in contact with all of them. Our lawyers will follow up." Stating that she also stayed at ISIAS Hotel, she said, "It was one of the hotels where many guides stayed. Almost all of the hotels in Adıyaman were damaged. The buildings in the old city are in ruins."
Cyprus is following the judicial process against ISIAS Hotel
Kıbrıs ISIAS Otel'e karşı yargı sürecini takipte
The death of Cypriot students at ISIAS Hotel has shocked Cyprus. In Cyprus, the parliament will closely follow the legal process initiated against the negligence detected in the hotel construction. Source: Cyprus is following the judicial process against ISIAS Hotel
PUBLISHING: 22 February 2023 / 12.05 |UPDATE: 29 March 2023 / 19.34
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