Addressing the members of the Federal Assembly days before the first year of the war that started with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Putin said, "The West is entirely responsible for the increase in tension in Ukraine." The United States, on the other hand, described Putin's claims as "nonsense." Jake Sullivan, "No one is attacking Russia. The idea that Russia is under military threat from Ukraine or any other country is nonsense." Russian President Putin said that they suspended Russia's participation in the New START with the United States, which aims to curb its intercontinental nuclear ballistic missile capabilities. I signed a decree last week." ” Putin stated that they are going through a difficult and very important period for Russia at a time when significant changes are experienced all over the world. We use force to end it. The West is aware that it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield, and therefore has launched an offensive disinformation attack by misinterpreting historical facts, attacking Russian culture, religion and values. We are defending people's lives, our own home." Blaming Western countries for the start of the war in Ukraine in an important part of his speech, Putin said, “The elites of the West do not hide their goals: they want to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, that is, to finish us off once and for all.” he said.
Putin: Disarmament agreement with USA suspended
Putin: ABD ile imzalanan silahsızlanma anlaşması askıya alındı
Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that his country attacked Ukraine on the grounds that Western countries were threatening Moscow, and stated that Russia would continue its attacks against Ukraine.
PUBLISHING: 22 February 2023 / 00.23 |UPDATE: 29 March 2023 / 19.34
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